Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Clear Quartz Jumbo is useful for treating eye infections or blurred vision. It also regulates metabolism and relieves stress. Rainbow Moonstone intensifies your feminine 'Goddess' energy! Moonstones have a highly spiritual nature that aids spiritual healing.These Crystals Jumbo uplift your...


Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Seven Chakra Jumbo tower stones that help you to connect and open the chakras for the free flow of energy. Each 7 Chakra stone has its own power and unique healing property. Some are best for resolving family and financial...


Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Black Agate Jumbo Tower assuages the problems of bones & joints and also the pain of shoulder and neck.Black Agate is believed to provide prosperity and courage. It will help you associate with physical and spiritual planes and ground them...


Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Sunstone Jumbo can promote balance and harmony among the body organs so that they will function properly. It also has the ability to increase the self-healing.Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energises all the chakras....


Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Hematite Jumbo stone grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing...


Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Selenite Jumbo Tower spreads her wings across the physical plains along with the spiritual meaning that she is rich in beautiful body healing. Those who bring Selenite into their life will find that this stone brings a new flush of...


Availability: In stock (5 items)

Rs. 999.00

Pyrite Jumbo Tower has long been valued as a strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Thus, this stone helps promote physical well-being as well. Stimulating the second and third chakras, pyrite...